1. Introduction


Your privacy is very important. When you use "Find Location" (hereinafter referred to as "Find Location" or "this application"). (hereinafter referred to as "Find Location" or "this platform") as the service provider may collect and use your relevant information. This Privacy Policy will explain how Find Location will collect, use, store, and share your private information on the basis of the user terms of use, and how you can access, update, control, and protect this information.


When you use or continue to use Find Location's "Find Location" application service (hereinafter referred to as "this service"), it means that you agree that Find Location will collect, use, store and share your relevant information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


2. Information that Find Location may collect


When you use "Find Location", Find Location may need to collect, store and use the following information about you. If you do not provide relevant information, you may not be able to register as a user of "Find Location" or use the "Find Location" service, or the effect of your use of this service may be impaired.


Information you actively provide:


l Personal information you provide to Find Location when registering an account or using Find Location's services, such as phone number, name, birthday, etc.


l Information you store when using Find Location's services, such as frequently used locations, contacts, etc.


l Information you submit when using Find Location's services, such as adding geographic location feature points, etc.


l Information about you obtained by Find Location


l Device or software information, such as the configuration information of your mobile device, operating system, your IP address, and the version and device identification code used by your mobile device;


l Information about mobile applications (APPs) and other software you have used, and information about your use of such mobile applications and software;


l Service log information generated by the Service during your use, such as fault information and search history;


l Information generated by your use of the Service, including information related to you provided by third parties;


l Information you communicate through the Service, such as messages communicated with customer service;


l Information (metadata) contained in the content you share through the Service, such as the date, time or location of uploaded photos;


l Your geographic location information collected through GPS, WiFi, base stations, Bluetooth, IP addresses, etc. when you use this service;


l You can turn off the geographic location information permission of "Find Location" in the system to stop Find Location from collecting your geographic location information, but this will make the Find Location service unavailable.


III. How Find Location May Use Information


Your relevant information will be used for the following purposes:


· Provide you with this service;


· Used for identity authentication, customer service, security prevention, fraud detection, cheating detection, abuse prevention, archiving and backup purposes to improve the quality and security of the services provided by Find Location to you and others;


· Help Find Location analyze user behavior to improve user experience;


· Provide you with personalized services;


· Provide you with advertisements that are more relevant to you;


· Evaluate the advertising effect of Find Location;


· Manage software upgrades and certifications;


· Determine your permission to use "Find Location";


· Comply with the requirements of relevant laws, regulations, departmental regulations and government directives;


· Invite you to participate in promotional activities and questionnaires of Find Location.


IV. How you access and control your information


Find Location will try to take appropriate technical measures to ensure that you can access, update and correct your registration information or other personal information provided when using Find Location's services. When accessing, updating and correcting the above information, Find Location may require you to authenticate your identity to ensure the security of your account.


V. How Find Location shares your information


Except for the following circumstances, "Find Location" will not share your personal information with any third party without your consent:


· Find Location shares your personal information with its affiliates, partners and third-party service providers, contractors and agents (such as communication service providers that send emails or push notifications on behalf of Find Location, and map service providers that provide location data for Find Location) (they may not be located in your jurisdiction) for the following purposes:


· Provide you with Find Location's services;


· Achieve the purposes described in the "How Find Location May Use Information" section;


· Fulfill Find Location's obligations and exercise Find Location's rights in the "Find Location User Agreement" or this "Privacy Policy";


· Understand, maintain and improve Find Location's services.


If Find Location or its affiliates share your personal information with any of the above third parties, Find Location will strive to ensure that such third parties comply with this Privacy Policy and other appropriate confidentiality and security measures required by Find Location when using your personal information.


· As Find Location's business continues to develop, Find Location and its affiliates may conduct mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers or similar transactions, and your personal information may be transferred as part of such transactions. Find Location will notify you before the transfer.


· Find Location or its affiliates may also retain, store or disclose your personal information for the following needs:


· Comply with applicable laws and regulations;


· Comply with court orders or other legal procedures;


· Comply with the requirements of relevant government agencies;


· Purposes that are reasonably necessary to comply with applicable laws and regulations, safeguard the public interest, or protect the personal and property safety or legal rights of Find Location's customers, Find Location or its group companies, other users or employees.


VI. About the information you share


The Find Location service allows you to publicly share your relevant information not only with your social network, but also with all users who use the service, such as the information you upload or publish in the Find Location service (including your public personal information), your response to information uploaded or published by others, and location data and log information related to this information. Other users who use the Find Location service may also share information related to you (including location data and log information). As long as you do not delete the shared information, the relevant information will remain in the public domain; even if you delete the shared information, the relevant information may still be cached, copied or stored independently by other users or third parties not controlled by Find Location, or saved in the public domain by other users or such third parties.


Therefore, please carefully consider the content of the information you upload, publish and communicate through the Find Location service. In some cases, you can control the scope of users who have the right to view your shared information through the privacy settings of certain Find Location services.


According to the "Find Location" User Agreement, when you submit content information such as POI, you grant "Find Location" a free, irrevocable, unlimited, sublicensable or transferable exclusive license to use it worldwide. These content information may contain your signature and other associated information. You can contact Find Location to cancel your associated information. If the content information infringes or violates laws and regulations, you can use the feedback function in the APP to contact Find Location.


VII. About sensitive personal information submitted by you


Some personal information may be considered sensitive personal information due to its particularity, such as your race, religion, personal health and medical information.


The content and information you provide, upload or publish in Find Location's services may disclose your sensitive personal information. You need to carefully consider whether to use Find Location's services to disclose your sensitive personal information.


You agree that your sensitive personal information will be processed for the purposes and in the manner described in this Privacy Policy.


VIII. Retention, storage and protection of personal information


Find Location will only retain your personal information for the period necessary for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy and the time limit required by laws and regulations.


Find Location uses various security technologies and procedures to prevent the loss, improper use, unauthorized reading or disclosure of information. For example, in some services, Find Location will use encryption technology to protect the personal information you provide. However, please understand that due to technical limitations and various possible malicious means, in the Internet industry, even if we do our best to strengthen security measures, it is impossible to always guarantee 100% security of information. You need to understand that the system and communication network you use to access the Find Location service may have problems due to factors beyond the control of Find Location.


In accordance with laws and regulations, all personal information collected and generated by this service will be stored in China.




Find Location or its third-party partners may collect and use your information through cookies and web beacons and store such information as log information.


Find Location uses its own cookies and web beacons to provide you with a more personalized user experience and services, and for the following purposes:


· Remember your identity. For example, cookies and web beacons help Find Location identify you as a registered user of Find Location, or save your preferences or other information you provide to Find Location;


· Analyze your use of Find Location services. For example, Find Location can use cookies and web beacons to understand what activities you use Find Location services for, or which web pages or services are most popular with you;


· Advertising optimization. Cookies and web beacons help Find Location provide you with ads related to you based on your information instead of general advertising.


While using cookies and web beacons for the above purposes, Find Location may provide non-personally identifiable information collected through cookies and web beacons to advertisers or other partners after statistical processing for analyzing how users use Find Location's services and for advertising services.


Find Location's products and services may have cookies and web beacons placed by advertisers or other partners. These cookies and web beacons may collect non-personally identifiable information related to you for the purpose of analyzing how users use such services, sending you advertisements that may be of interest to you, or evaluating the effectiveness of advertising services. The collection and use of such information by these third-party cookies and web beacons is not subject to this Privacy Policy, but to the privacy policy of the relevant users. Find Location is not responsible for third-party cookies or web beacons.


You can reject or manage cookies or web beacons through browser settings. However, please note that if you disable cookies or web beacons, you may not be able to enjoy the best service experience, and some services may not work properly. At the same time, you will receive the same number of advertisements, but these advertisements will be less relevant to you.


10. Emails and messages that Find Location may send to you


1. SMS and push notifications


When you use the Find Location service, Find Location may use your information to send SMS, phone calls or push notifications to your device. If you do not want to receive this information, you can choose to unsubscribe on your device according to the instructions in the information sent to you by Find Location.


2. Service-related announcements


Find Location may issue service-related announcements when necessary (for example, when Find Location suspends a service due to system maintenance). You may not be able to cancel these service-related announcements that are not promotional in nature.


3. Third-party services in Find Location services


Find Location services may include or link to social media or other services (including websites) provided by third parties. For example:


• You can use the "Share" button to share certain content to Find Location services, or you can use third-party connection services to log in to Find Location services. These features may collect your information (including your log information) and may install cookies on your computer to operate the above features normally; and


• Find Location provides you with links through advertisements or other means of Find Location services, allowing you to access third-party services or websites.


Such third-party social media or other services are operated by the relevant third parties. Your use of such third-party social media services or other services (including any personal information you provide to such third parties) is subject to the third party's own terms of service and personal information protection statement (not this Privacy Policy), and you need to read its terms carefully. This Privacy Policy applies only to any information collected by Find Location, and does not apply to any services provided by any third party or the third party's information usage rules, and Find Location does not assume any responsibility for any third party's use of the information provided by you.


XI. Age Limit


Find Location recommends that any minor participating in online activities should obtain the consent of their parents or legal guardians (hereinafter referred to as "guardians") in advance. Find Location will protect the relevant information of minors in accordance with the provisions of relevant national laws and regulations.


Find Location encourages parents or guardians to guide minors under the age of eighteen to use Find Location's services. Find Location recommends that minors encourage their parents or guardians to read this Privacy Policy, and recommends that minors seek the consent and guidance of their parents or guardians before submitting personal information.


Users under the age of fourteen need guardians to register on their behalf to use this service.


XII. Scope of the Privacy Policy


Except for certain specific services, all services of Find Location are subject to this Privacy Policy. These specific services will be subject to specific privacy policies. The specific privacy policies for certain specific services will more specifically explain how Find Location uses your information in such services. The privacy policy of the specific service constitutes a part of this Privacy Policy. If there is any inconsistency between the privacy policy of the relevant specific service and this Privacy Policy, the privacy policy of the specific service shall apply.


Unless otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, the terms used in this Privacy Policy shall have the same meaning as the terms defined in the "Find Location User Agreement".


Please note that this Privacy Policy does not apply to the following situations:


Information collected by third-party services (including any third-party websites) accessed through Find Location's services;


Information collected by other companies or organizations that provide advertising services in Find Location's services.


XIII. Changes to this Privacy Policy


Find Location may modify the terms of this Privacy Policy at any time, and such modifications constitute a part of this Privacy Policy. If such modifications result in a substantial reduction of your rights under this Privacy Policy, you may choose to stop using the services provided to you by Find Location; in this case, if you continue to use Find Location's services, you agree to be bound by the revised Privacy Policy.


SDK name used: Umeng SDK


Service type: Please fill in according to SDK function, such as statistical analysis


Personal information collected: Device information (IMEI/MAC/Android ID/IDFA/OpenUDID/GUID/SIM card IMSI information, etc.)


Privacy policy link: https://www.umeng.com/page/policy

